時(shí)間:2019-10-09 來(lái)源:http://whooo.net/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械
1.固化元素:關(guān)于膠水的固化,一般制造商給出了溫度曲線(xiàn)。 通常,它可以在室溫下固化。 在實(shí)踐中,應在較高的溫度下固化,以使膠水在固化后達到強度和硬度。
1. Curing Elements: For the curing of glue, the general manufacturer gives the temperature curve. Usually, it can be cured at room temperature. In practice, the glue should be cured at a higher temperature to achieve strength and hardness after curing.
2,在點(diǎn)膠過(guò)程中點(diǎn)膠器上的氣泡會(huì )影響產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量,因此在注入膠水之前,必須沒(méi)有氣泡。 如果有氣泡,則分配器產(chǎn)生的產(chǎn)品將有許多次品。 排出的空氣是為了防止分配器空氣流通。
2. During the dispensing process, the bubbles on the dispenser will affect the quality of the product, so there must be no bubbles before the glue is injected. If there are bubbles, there will be many defective products produced by the distributor. The exhaust air is to prevent the air from circulating in the distributor.
3,必須在分配器上安裝真空抽吸閥,因為真空抽吸功能是為了防止不分配時(shí)分配器中的膠泄漏。 如果安裝了該套件,則可以正確調節真空回流閥。 ,這樣您就可以進(jìn)一步控制滴落和繪制的兩種情況。
3. Vacuum suction valves must be installed on the distributor, because the vacuum suction function is to prevent rubber leakage in the distributor when it is not distributed. If the package is installed, the vacuum return valve can be adjusted correctly. This allows you to further control both dropping and rendering.
4,針頭的標準和種類(lèi):針頭的標準會(huì )影響點(diǎn)膠過(guò)程中點(diǎn)膠機的尺寸和精度,當壓力在此范圍內時(shí),針頭的針頭越大,針頭的針頭就越大。 因此,根據膠水的速度,根據分配器生產(chǎn)的產(chǎn)品尺寸來(lái)定位膠水針,針的內徑通常保持在膠水點(diǎn)直徑的一半,效果很好。
4. Needle standards and types: Needle standards will affect the size and accuracy of dispensing machine in dispensing process. When the pressure is within this range, the larger the needle of the needle, the larger the needle of the needle. Therefore, according to the speed of glue, according to the product size produced by the distributor to locate the glue needle, the needle diameter is usually kept at half the diameter of the glue point, the effect is very good.
如圖5所示,膠量的大小由分配器在分配過(guò)程中繼續的時(shí)間長(cháng)度確定,該時(shí)間越長(cháng)。 根據我們的經(jīng)驗,膠水的量較大。 這樣可以確保有膠水相聚在一起,可以防止由于膠水過(guò)多而導致組件停滯。
As shown in Fig. 5, the amount of glue is determined by the length of time that the distributor continues during the distribution process, and the longer the time is. According to our experience, there is a large amount of glue. This ensures that glue is gathered together and prevents components from stagnating due to excessive glue.
6. The common glue used in dispensing machine is epoxy resin, instant sol, silica gel, anaerobic gel and UV gel.
7,大小的壓力直接影響膠量和膠流出的速度,膠的活性越差,膠越厚,所需的壓力就越大,所以我們應該依靠膠的環(huán)境溫度 生產(chǎn)過(guò)程中的分配器以及膠水的大小和調節壓力的膠水特性,分配器的壓力由其內部壓力調節閥調節。
7. The pressure of size directly affects the quantity of glue and the speed of glue outflow. The worse the activity of glue, the thicker the glue, the greater the pressure required. Therefore, we should rely on the distributor in the production process of glue ambient temperature, the size of glue and the glue characteristics of regulating pressure. The pressure of distributor is regulated by its internal pressure regulating valve.
Do you understand the introduction of the above two-component glue punch? If you don't understand something, please call us. We will introduce it to you. Welcome to visit: http://linshi.jncsjx.com.
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