時(shí)間:2022-10-07 來(lái)源:http://whooo.net/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械
The direct reason that affects the effective service time of insulating glass is the convergence speed of water in the middle layer. There are many factors that affect the convergence speed of water in the interlayer, such as material performance, manufacturing process and control, installation method, environmental aging, etc.
水的含量越高,空氣的露點(diǎn)溫度也就越高。當玻璃內表面溫度低于空氣層內空氣的露點(diǎn)時(shí),中空腔空氣中的水氣就會(huì )在中空玻璃中空腔內聚集,導致露點(diǎn)上升。當環(huán)境溫度降低,玻璃內表面的溫度低于空氣層露點(diǎn)時(shí),空氣層內的水氣便在玻璃內表面產(chǎn)生結露或結霜(玻璃內表面溫度高于0℃時(shí)結露,低于0℃結霜)。由于玻璃內表面的結露或結霜,將會(huì )嚴重影響中空玻璃的透視度,并降低中空玻璃的隔熱效果,同時(shí)長(cháng)時(shí)間的結露會(huì )使玻璃的內表面發(fā)生霉變或返堿產(chǎn)生白斑,嚴重影響中空玻璃的使用。標準GBT 11944-2012《中空玻璃》規定露點(diǎn)溫度為<-40℃中空玻璃露點(diǎn)上升,主要是由于外界的水分進(jìn)入空氣層而又不能被干燥劑吸收所造成的。
The higher the water content, the higher the dew point temperature of the air. When the temperature of the inner surface of the glass is lower than the dew point of the air in the air layer, the moisture in the air in the middle cavity will gather in the cavity of the insulating glass, causing the dew point to rise. When the ambient temperature decreases and the temperature of the inner surface of the glass is lower than the dew point of the air layer, the moisture in the air layer will produce condensation or frost on the inner surface of the glass (when the temperature of the inner surface of the glass is higher than 0 ℃, it will be dewed and frosted below 0 ℃). Due to the condensation or frost on the inner surface of the glass, the perspective of the insulating glass will be seriously affected, and the thermal insulation effect of the insulating glass will be reduced. At the same time, the long-term condensation will cause mildew or re alkali on the inner surface of the glass, which will seriously affect the use of the insulating glass. The national standard GBT 11944-2012 Insulating Glass stipulates that the dew point temperature of insulating glass is<- 40 ℃, and the dew point rise is mainly caused by the external moisture entering the air layer and cannot be absorbed by the desiccant.
To improve the service life of insulating glass and extend the effective service time so that it can meet the standard requirements, it should be controlled from various aspects such as material selection, processing and manufacturing, structural design and installation.
In the process of manufacturing, it is particularly important to select high-quality processing equipment. Good equipment is good for good products. Yuehang fully automatic insulating glass sealing line has good sealing performance, beautiful and full sealing, which can prolong the service life of insulating glass
The above is a detailed introduction to the insulating glass production line. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide you with professional services http://linshi.jncsjx.com
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