時(shí)間:2019-07-03 來(lái)源:http://whooo.net/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械
In order to ensure the quality of injection processing, the two-component glue maker suggests that the following preparations should be made before the use of hollow glass two-way sealant (hollow glue for short):
A: Requirements for use and maintenance environment: Hollow glue injection area should be clean, dust-free and ventilated, the temperature should be maintained at 10-40 C and the relative humidity should be 40-80%. The temperature of hollow glue itself should not be lower than 10 C before use, and when the storage temperature is relatively low in winter, it should be placed in the heating room for several days before use, at the same time, hollow glass should be maintained. The temperature in the zone should not be less than 10 C.
B: Requirements for the surface of the base material: All the adhered parts of the base material should be cleaned to remove dust, oil or other dirt; when making hollow glass by off-line low-radiation coated glass processing, the edge sealing area of the base material should be removed first.
經(jīng)驗分享:中空膠的固化是化學(xué)反應過(guò)程,溫度對其固化過(guò)程有較大的影響,合適的使用環(huán)境和養護環(huán)境是保證中空膠佳的固化與粘接性能的重要環(huán)境因素。污物、灰塵會(huì )影響到終粘接性能,因此,對被粘基材表面一定要進(jìn)行清洗。低輻射鍍膜玻璃的膜層與結構膠的相容性較差,加工過(guò)程中建議將鍍膜玻璃行除膜處理,以保證中空膠與玻璃粘接良好。
Experience sharing: The curing of hollow adhesive is a chemical reaction process. Temperature has a great influence on its curing process. The suitable use environment and maintenance environment are important environmental factors to ensure the best curing and bonding properties of hollow adhesive. The dirt and dust will affect the final bonding performance. Therefore, the surface of the bonded substrate must be cleaned. Low radiation coated glass has poor compatibility with structural adhesives. In order to ensure good adhesion between hollow adhesives and glass, it is suggested that the coated glass should be removed first in the process of processing.
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