時(shí)間:2020-01-08 來(lái)源:http://whooo.net/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械
1. 橡膠泵:A橡膠泵、B橡膠泵、比例泵采用我公司研制的高粘度液體往復高壓柱塞泵,結構簡(jiǎn)單,性能穩定。高壓閥口采用合金材料特殊處理,硬度可達HRC70o,有效避免粘著(zhù)劑中硬質(zhì)顆粒對閥口的損壞。該密封是由增強聚四氟乙烯,耐摩擦和腐蝕,適用于大多數化學(xué)溶劑。性能更穩定,使用壽命更長(cháng)??刂崎y采用靜態(tài)表面磨削,保證泵內無(wú)壓力泄漏。
1. Rubber pump: a rubber pump, B rubber pump and proportion pump adopt the high viscosity liquid reciprocating high-pressure plunger pump developed by our company, with simple structure and stable performance. The high-pressure valve port is specially treated with alloy material, the hardness can reach hrc70o, which can effectively avoid the damage of hard particles in the adhesive to the valve port. The seal is made of reinforced polytetrafluoroethylene, resistant to friction and corrosion, suitable for most chemical solvents. More stable performance and longer service life. The control valve adopts static surface grinding to ensure no pressure leakage in the pump.
2. Power system: the power of the main pump comes from the hydraulic system. The system adopts imported pump motor, imported gear pump and reversing valve accessories, etc. the oil cylinder produced by my formula is sealed with German products, so as to ensure the low noise, stable performance and long service life of the whole hydraulic system.
Two component glue machine
Two component glue machine
3. Stj01 two-component gluing machine system adopts pressure plate to seal and completely seal, so that the colloid is completely isolated from the air and has no anti glue and oxidation effect. Effectively extend the two part warranty.
4. 升降系統由手動(dòng)旋轉閥控制。比例調節可以通過(guò)調節擺動(dòng)桿上滑塊的位置來(lái)改變。
4. The lifting system is controlled by a manual rotary valve. The proportional adjustment can be changed by adjusting the position of the slider on the swing bar.
5. 可安裝電加熱和保溫裝置。
5. Electric heating and insulation device can be installed.
6. 主要工作參數/主要工藝參數(介質(zhì)為重油,20℃。不同的粘度介質(zhì)在不同的溫度下有不同的參數)
6. Main working parameters / main process parameters (medium is heavy oil, 20 ℃). Different viscosity media have different parameters at different temperatures)
The above is a detailed introduction to the features of the two-component dispenser. For more information, please click http://whooo.net
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