時(shí)間:2020-04-08 來(lái)源:http://whooo.net/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械
1、 Glue application speed is too fast
一些客戶(hù)為了加快自己的生產(chǎn)節奏生產(chǎn)計劃后,調整密封劑認為速度太快,導致膠體仍沒(méi)有完全達到合格標準的頭已經(jīng)到下一個(gè)位置膠操作,如果我們需要加速調整膠膠機運動(dòng)參數,所以我們也要有相應的相應設置膠供應系統,如這一次我們需要增加供應壓力,增加上膠速度,使上膠機隨物體移動(dòng)速度增加。如果只增加上膠機的移動(dòng)速度而不調整壓力,很可能會(huì )導致上膠不充分。
In order to speed up the production schedule, some customers adjust the sealant to think that the speed is too fast, so that the head of the sealant which still does not meet the qualified standard has reached the next position. If we need to speed up the adjustment of the movement parameters of the glue machine, we also need to set the corresponding glue supply system, such as this time we need to increase the supply pressure, Increase the speed of gluing, so that the speed of gluing machine increases with the movement of objects. If only increase the moving speed of the gluer without adjusting the pressure, it is likely to lead to insufficient gluing.
2. 供膠壓力不足
2. Insufficient glue supply pressure
這種情況其實(shí)小編在案例中已經(jīng)描述過(guò)了,即使不調整膠水機的運行速度也會(huì )出現不全是膠水的情況,那么有可能是膠水壓力太小了。此時(shí)我們只需要調整供給壓力就可以很好的這個(gè)問(wèn)題。
This situation has been described in the case. Even if the running speed of the glue machine is not adjusted, it may not be all glue. Then the glue pressure may be too small. At this time, we just need to adjust the supply pressure to solve this problem.
3. Nose sensor damaged
這種情況很少見(jiàn),但也有可能發(fā)生。在我們的上膠機的頭部有一個(gè)傳感器來(lái)檢測鋁棒的深度。如果發(fā)現鋁棒過(guò)深或過(guò)淺,它會(huì )自動(dòng)調整移動(dòng)速度和供應壓力(自動(dòng)調節范圍在小范圍內)。如果我們的鋁桿本身在深度上不同,除了我們的心情會(huì )發(fā)生壞斷外!
This is rare, but it can happen. At the head of our dispenser there is a sensor to detect the depth of the aluminum bar. If it is found that the aluminum bar is too deep or too shallow, it will automatically adjust the moving speed and supply pressure (the automatic adjustment range is in a small range). If our aluminum rods are different in depth, except our mood will break!
The above is a detailed introduction to the reason why the two-component dispenser is not full. For more information, please click http://whooo.net
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