時(shí)間:2022-06-29 來(lái)源:http://whooo.net/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械
關(guān)于中空玻璃自動(dòng)打膠機的使用效果,要從多方面來(lái)看。這里面還要看自身玻璃的情況,比如可能玻璃是人工切割的還是用切玻機切割的,是人工合片還是中空玻璃生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)等等這些都會(huì )對中空玻璃自動(dòng)打膠機的工作效果產(chǎn)生影響。也許有的朋友會(huì )問(wèn)我,這些工序和中空玻璃自動(dòng)打膠機有什么關(guān)系。但其實(shí),這是一個(gè)前提條件,我們知道任何一款設備想要提高他的工作效率,和工作環(huán)境、工作基礎都有一定關(guān)系。所以在中空玻璃自動(dòng)打膠機上也是一樣的。
The use effect of the insulating glass automatic gluing machine should be seen from many aspects. It also depends on the condition of the glass itself. For example, whether the glass is cut manually or by a glass cutting machine, whether it is a manual lamination or a hollow glass production line, etc. all these will have an impact on the working effect of the hollow glass automatic gluing machine. Maybe some friends will ask me, what is the relationship between these processes and the insulating glass automatic gluing machine. But in fact, this is a prerequisite. We know that any equipment that wants to improve its work efficiency has a certain relationship with the working environment and work foundation. So it is the same on the insulating glass automatic gluing machine.
玻璃加工相比于金屬的加工,工藝就簡(jiǎn)單了很多,也沒(méi)有機械加工復雜。隨著(zhù)玻璃機械化加工的普及,我國將會(huì )有很大的市場(chǎng)去開(kāi)發(fā),雖然現在我國玻璃機械行業(yè)發(fā)展速度及規模位居世界前列,但大多集中在中低檔領(lǐng)域,技術(shù)水平和附加值偏低?,F在我國制造業(yè)急需的精密、復雜玻璃機械和配件,未來(lái)拼的是產(chǎn)品的核心競爭力。
Compared with metal processing, glass processing is much simpler and less complicated than mechanical processing. With the popularization of glass mechanized processing, China will have a large market to develop. Although the development speed and scale of China's glass machinery industry are among the top in the world, most of them are concentrated in medium and low-grade fields, with low technical level and added value. Now the precision and complex glass machinery and accessories urgently needed by China's manufacturing industry will compete with the core competitiveness of products in the future.
對于中空玻璃加工設備技術(shù)狀態(tài)劣化或發(fā)生故障后,為了恢復其功能和精度應采取更換或修復磨損和失效的零件(包括基準件),并對整機或局部進(jìn)行拆裝、調整的技術(shù)活動(dòng)。在日常的生產(chǎn)加工中,中空玻璃加工設備在使用過(guò)程里,其零部件會(huì )逐漸產(chǎn)生磨損、變形、斷裂、蝕損等現象(統稱(chēng)為有形磨損)。隨著(zhù)零部件磨損程度的逐漸增大,中空玻璃加工設備的技術(shù)狀態(tài)將逐漸劣化,失去原有功能和精度,使整機喪失使用價(jià)值。而中空玻璃加工設備維修的經(jīng)濟效益是企業(yè)經(jīng)濟效益體系中一個(gè)重要組成部分,它取決于:設備維修性設計的優(yōu)劣、修理人員技術(shù)水平的高低、維修組織系統及裝備設施的程度。因此,要提高企業(yè)設備維修的經(jīng)濟效益,應從三個(gè)方面綜合考慮,采取對策。
After the technical state of the insulating glass processing equipment is degraded or malfunctioned, in order to restore its function and accuracy, it is necessary to replace or repair the worn and invalid parts (including reference parts), and disassemble and adjust the whole machine or part. In daily production and processing, during the use of insulating glass processing equipment, its parts will gradually produce wear, deformation, fracture, erosion and other phenomena (collectively referred to as tangible wear). With the gradual increase of the wear degree of the parts, the technical state of the insulating glass processing equipment will gradually deteriorate, losing the original function and accuracy, and making the whole machine lose its use value. The economic benefit of insulating glass processing equipment maintenance is an important part of the enterprise economic benefit system. It depends on the merits of equipment maintainability design, the technical level of maintenance personnel, the maintenance organization system and the perfection of equipment and facilities. Therefore, in order to improve the economic benefits of enterprise equipment maintenance, we should take comprehensive consideration from three aspects and take countermeasures.
First, for the insulating glass processing equipment in use. Implement the policy of prevention first, and select appropriate maintenance methods according to the production nature, equipment characteristics and the position in production of the enterprise. Secondly, through daily and regular inspection, condition detection, diagnosis and other means, the technical status of the equipment shall be effectively mastered, and preventive repair plan shall be prepared according to the production process requirements and the degree of condition deterioration. Before repair, technical and production preparations shall be fully made, and repair shall be carried out in a timely manner. Later, new processes, new technologies, new materials and modern scientific management methods shall be actively adopted in the repair to ensure the repair quality, shorten the downtime and reduce the repair cost. At the same time, the necessary partial improvement design of the equipment is carried out in combination with the repair to improve the reliability and maintainability of the insulating glass processing equipment, so as to improve the availability of the insulating glass processing equipment
小編關(guān)于中空玻璃加工設備故障后的保養與維修就跟大家介紹到這里,希望小編的這篇文章能夠對你起到一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)的幫助,這也不枉費筆者這數千字的文章了。如果各位關(guān)于打膠機有什么疑問(wèn)可以在評論區給我留言,我會(huì )一一給各位解答的。
I'll tell you about the maintenance and repair of insulating glass processing equipment after failure. I hope this article can help you a little. It doesn't waste the author's thousands of words. If you have any questions about the glue dispenser, please leave me a message in the comment area, and I will answer them one by one.
The above is a detailed introduction to the insulating glass production line. I hope it will help you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service http://whooo.net
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