時(shí)間:2022-11-02 來(lái)源:http://whooo.net/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械
任何機械設備都有自己的正常磨損和工作極限,在設備給我們創(chuàng )造利潤的時(shí)候我們也不能忘記他們也需要“呵護”哦,下面簡(jiǎn)單介紹下中空玻璃設備的保養及維護注意事項。
Any mechanical equipment has its own normal wear and working limit. When the equipment creates profits for us, we should not forget that they also need "care". Here is a brief introduction to the maintenance and precautions of insulating glass equipment.
Precautions for operation:
1 轉動(dòng)皮帶傳送開(kāi)關(guān),使其處于“開(kāi)”位置,觀(guān)察皮帶是否有跑偏現象,并調整漲緊螺栓,使其校正。
1 Turn the belt conveyor switch to the "on" position, observe whether the belt deviates, and adjust the tightening bolt to make it correct.
2 開(kāi)機前,依據間隔框寬度,松開(kāi)打膠頭緊定螺栓,調整兩擠膠頭的間隔距離,調整時(shí),要使框的對稱(chēng)中心、兩個(gè)小壓輪寬度的對稱(chēng)中心、兩打膠頭的對稱(chēng)中心重合(此項只有在間隔框寬度改變時(shí)進(jìn)行調整),調整完畢緊固螺釘。
2 Before starting the machine, loosen the fastening bolts of the rubber head according to the width of the spacing frame, and adjust the spacing distance between the two extrusion heads. During the adjustment, make the symmetrical center of the frame, the symmetrical center of the width of the two small pressing wheels, and the symmetrical center of the two rubber heads coincide (this item can only be adjusted when the width of the spacing frame changes). After the adjustment, tighten the screws.
3 工作前溫度調節: 因各廠(chǎng)家生產(chǎn)丁基膠規定的加熱溫度及工藝參數不同,所以設定打膠座溫度一般為120-140度,膠缸溫度為110-120度(此值僅作參考),待加熱溫度達到設定值15-30分鐘后,方可打膠。
3 Temperature regulation before operation: Because the heating temperature and process parameters specified for butyl rubber produced by various manufacturers are different, the set temperature of the glue injection base is generally 120-140 degrees, and the temperature of the glue cylinder is 110-120 degrees (this value is only for reference). The glue can be applied only after the heating temperature reaches the set value for 15-30 minutes.
4 在液壓缸擠膠活塞工作終點(diǎn)和每次工作完畢,應將液壓壓力降為零:且膠未加指定溫度前,擠膠活塞不要推進(jìn)或離開(kāi)。否則,將產(chǎn)生機械損壞。
4 The hydraulic pressure shall be reduced to zero when the rubber extrusion piston of the hydraulic cylinder works to the end point and every time the work is completed; the rubber extrusion piston shall not be pushed or left before the rubber is added to the specified temperature. Otherwise, mechanical damage will occur.
5 檢查氣源,應保證使用經(jīng)干燥的潔凈空氣,并定期排放濾清器的積水,檢查油霧器中的油是否夠用。
5 To check the air source, firstly ensure that the dry clean air is used, regularly drain the water in the filter, and check whether the oil in the oil atomizer is sufficient.
6 液壓系統選用32??鼓ヒ簤河?。定期檢查油箱中液壓油的液面應在3/4高度以上,否則應加油達要求。
6. 32 # anti-wear hydraulic oil is selected for hydraulic system. Regularly check that the liquid level of hydraulic oil in the oil tank should be above 3/4 of the height, otherwise fill the oil to meet the requirements.
1 新機器經(jīng)過(guò)一段時(shí)間的運轉之后,應打開(kāi)護板,檢查各緊固件是否有松動(dòng)現象,并重新緊固。
1 After a period of operation of the new machine, open the guard board, check whether the fasteners are loose, and retighten them.
2 每次使用完畢,要將機器的殘膠及灰塵干凈,使傳送帶及機器外表保持清潔,且皮帶接口停于臺面上,離開(kāi)膠頭20cm以上。
2 After each use, the residual glue and dust of the machine shall be removed to keep the conveyor belt and the machine surface clean, and the belt interface shall stop on the table and be more than 20cm away from the rubber head.
3 The bearing of driving wheel and driven wheel on both sides of the conveyor shall be filled with lubricating grease every 3 months.
4 液壓系統用油應每年換一次,并定期檢查系統是否有漏油現象。
4 The oil used in the hydraulic system shall be replaced once a year, and the system shall be checked regularly for oil leakage.
5 定期檢查電氣接線(xiàn)是否有松動(dòng)及接地的可靠性。 友情提醒:為保證設備的良好運行,應加強設備的日常維護與保養。
5 Regularly check whether the electrical wiring is loose and whether the grounding is reliable. Friendly reminder: In order to ensure the good operation of the equipment, the daily maintenance of the equipment should be strengthened.
The above is a detailed introduction to the automatic butyl rubber coating machine, and we hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide you with our attitude http://whooo.net
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