時(shí)間:2024-07-09 來(lái)源:http://whooo.net/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械
What is the principle for adjusting the inflation line and sealing line of insulated glass during equipment debugging? Make a piece of glass with an inflatable line, and then use the sealing line to finish it. The faster the sealing line plays, the better.
Because what is the entire glue supply system behind it? This is a one-time glue supply, and its purpose is to attack the inside of the booster cylinder. This side of the booster cylinder belongs to the secondary glue supply, and the secondary glue supply is actually during the glue application.
但是當一次供膠供完了,它的壓力假如正常情況下是15,但是可以看一下智能壓力表,隨著(zhù)時(shí)間的變化,它的壓力肯定會(huì )慢慢的往下掉。因為整個(gè)管路的系統不可能打到100%的密封,這個(gè)是不可能實(shí)現的。
But when the glue supply is completed, if the pressure is normally 15, you can take a look at the smart pressure gauge. With the change of time, its pressure will definitely slowly decrease. Because the entire pipeline system cannot achieve 100% sealing, this is absolutely impossible to achieve.
所以再等個(gè)兩三分鐘的時(shí)候,有可能在打邊的過(guò)程,在增加的過(guò)程當中壓力會(huì )小一點(diǎn),所以飽和度會(huì )小一點(diǎn)。所以這個(gè)地方一定要找準原因,分析好它真正的內部因素。
So when we wait for another two or three minutes, it is possible that during the process of hitting the first side, the pressure will decrease slightly during the increase, so the saturation will be slightly lower. So this place must identify the cause and analyze its true internal factors.
So, while ensuring this issue, all pipeline seals must be done well and there should be no many leaks. Another thing is to include the action of the needle valve. After a long time, maintenance can be carried out, and some oil can be added in the middle for inspection and maintenance.
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