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      1. 制作中空玻璃設備生產(chǎn)流程

        時(shí)間:2023-09-22 來(lái)源:http://whooo.net/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械

        1. Glass cleaning
        清洗玻璃是中空玻璃生產(chǎn)的個(gè)環(huán)節,也是保證中空玻璃密封的重要的環(huán)節之一。如果玻璃上的油滯和汗水不能徹底清洗掉,則密封膠對玻璃的粘合力就會(huì )大大削弱,從而降低中空玻璃的密封效果。應當強調指出,我們選擇干燥劑、密封膠和間隔條所考慮的各項條件,是以玻璃清洗干凈前提的,而中空玻璃的密封在相當大的程度上是以玻璃清洗是否干凈為轉移的,玻璃的清潔是外觀(guān)質(zhì)量的主要衡量標準。但實(shí)踐中,人們往往對清洗玻璃的重視程度不夠,必須糾正。
        Cleaning glass is the first step in the production of insulating glass and also one of the most important steps in ensuring the sealing of insulating glass. If the oil and sweat on the glass cannot be thoroughly cleaned, the adhesive force of the sealant on the glass will be greatly weakened, thereby reducing the sealing effect of the hollow glass. It should be emphasized that the various conditions we consider when choosing desiccants, sealants, and spacers are based on the premise of clean glass cleaning, while the sealing of insulating glass is largely dependent on whether the glass is clean. The cleanliness of glass is the main measure of appearance quality. However, in practice, people often do not attach enough importance to cleaning glass and must correct it.
        2. Selection of desiccants
        干燥劑的作用主要有三:吸附密封在空氣內的水分;吸附可揮發(fā)性有機溶劑和吸附在中空玻璃壽命期內進(jìn)入空氣層內的水汽。其目的是保持中空玻璃有合格的初始露點(diǎn),因此,選擇適當的干燥劑的條件是必須同時(shí)滿(mǎn)足干燥劑所應具有的三個(gè)功能。如果干燥劑吸附能力差,不能有效的吸附通過(guò)擴散進(jìn)入空氣層的水分,就會(huì )導致水分在空氣層中聚集,水分壓提高,中空玻璃的露點(diǎn)上升,那么出現霧化的可能性極大,另外選擇干燥劑時(shí)必須綜合考慮它們各自的性質(zhì),干燥劑的選擇與選用的何種中空玻璃膠有直接關(guān)系,必須結合起來(lái)考慮
        The main functions of desiccants are: to adsorb and seal moisture in the air; Absorb volatile organic solvents and water vapor that enters the air layer during the lifespan of the insulating glass. The purpose is to maintain a qualified initial dew point for the insulating glass, therefore, the condition for selecting an appropriate desiccant must simultaneously meet the three functions that the desiccant should have. If the desiccant has poor adsorption capacity and cannot effectively adsorb the water that enters the air layer through diffusion, it will lead to the accumulation of water in the air layer, increase the water pressure, and increase the dew point of the insulating glass. Therefore, there is a great possibility of atomization. In addition, when selecting desiccants, they must comprehensively consider their respective properties. The selection of desiccants is directly related to the type of insulating glass adhesive used, and must be considered together
        中空玻璃的邊緣密封失敗,意味窗戶(hù)失去應有的功能,不但窗戶(hù)的設計性能達不到,而且消費者也不能透過(guò)結霧的空氣層看清外面,影響中空玻璃的透視度,并降低隔熱效果,長(cháng)時(shí)間的結霧會(huì )使玻璃的內表面發(fā)生霉變或析堿,產(chǎn)生白班,嚴重影響中空玻璃的外觀(guān)質(zhì)量。由此可見(jiàn),選擇高質(zhì)量的中空玻璃密封膠是防止中空玻璃霧化的首要和關(guān)鍵。選用的中空玻璃密封膠應符合或行業(yè)標準要求,并且雙道中空玻璃的道和第二道密封膠應相適合,不能互溶或反應,否則游客能導致玻璃表面污染,甚老化。
        The failure of the edge sealing of insulating glass means that the window has lost its proper function. Not only does the design of the window fail to achieve energy-saving performance, but consumers also cannot see the outside clearly through the fogged air layer, affecting the perspective of insulating glass and reducing the insulation effect. Long term fogging can cause mold or alkali precipitation on the inner surface of the glass, causing daytime shift and seriously affecting the appearance quality of insulating glass. From this, it can be seen that choosing high-quality insulating glass sealant is the primary and key to preventing the atomization of insulating glass. The selected insulating glass sealant should comply with national or industry standards, and the first and second sealants of the double layer insulating glass should be suitable and not miscible or reactive, otherwise tourists can cause surface pollution and even aging of the glass.
        3. Coating, laminating, and gluing of double channel insulating glass
        合片是制作雙道中空玻璃的中間一環(huán),和片前的丁基膠的涂敷,決定著(zhù)中空玻璃的綜合質(zhì)量。因此,制作時(shí)應嚴格控制生產(chǎn)工藝,杜絕漏涂、斷膠現象和對封口的疏忽,決不準存在漏氣的隱患,把好密封的管,合片后涂第二道密封膠時(shí),按生產(chǎn)廠(chǎng)家規定進(jìn)行合理的配比使兩組份混合充分,涂膠準確,避免欠膠和多膠現象,圓滿(mǎn)完成雙道中空玻璃制作的后一道工序。如果兩道密封膠之間存在縫隙,會(huì )引起漏氣,同時(shí)應注意涂抹過(guò)薄的第二道密封膠,在安裝使用一段時(shí)間后,受環(huán)境溫度變化、日曬急風(fēng)壓的作用,密封膠會(huì )形成裂紋(即使極小的裂紋存在),水氣就有可能會(huì )慢慢地進(jìn)入膠層內,形成霧化,失去其密封性,喪失密封作用。
        The lamination is the middle ring in the production of double-layer insulating glass, and the application of butyl adhesive in front of the lamination determines the overall quality of the insulating glass. Therefore, during production, strict control should be exercised over the production process to prevent leakage, adhesive breakage, and negligence in sealing. There should be no hidden danger of air leakage. When applying the second layer of sealant after the first tube is sealed and the lamination is completed, a reasonable ratio should be made according to the manufacturer's regulations to ensure that the two components are fully mixed, the adhesive application is accurate, and the phenomenon of insufficient or excessive adhesive should be avoided. The final process of producing double layer insulating glass should be successfully completed. If there is a gap between two layers of sealant, it can cause air leakage. At the same time, attention should be paid to applying a second layer of sealant that is too thin. After installation and use for a period of time, the sealant will form cracks (even if there are very small cracks) due to changes in environmental temperature and rapid wind pressure. Water vapor may slowly enter the adhesive layer, form atomization, lose its sealing ability, and lose its sealing effect.

        聯(lián)系我們Contact us

        • 咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn):0531-85717458 13705446998
        • 公司地址: 山東省德州市齊河安頭鄉企巢工業(yè)園
        • 掃碼聯(lián)系我們:



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