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      1. 雙組份打膠機出現連續花膠四要素

        時(shí)間:2017-09-05 來(lái)源:http://whooo.net/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械

          結構膠混合不均勻,雙組份打膠機局部會(huì )出現白色條紋。在光線(xiàn)比較亮的情況下,更加容易觀(guān)察?;旌喜痪鶆蚝突旌暇鶆虻那闆r,如下圖:結構膠混合不均勻,會(huì )出現什么問(wèn)題呢?結構膠固化后的強度下降,固化交聯(lián)不完全、嚴重時(shí)候會(huì )發(fā)粘,無(wú)法固化等。

          Uneven mixing of structural adhesive, white tape will appear in the two part gluing machine. It's easier to see when the light is brighter. The uneven mixing and mixing evenly, figure: structural adhesive is not mixed evenly, what will happen? Decreased structural adhesive strength after curing, curing incomplete, serious when will be sticky, not curing.

          雙組分硅酮結構膠是由主劑A組分(白膠)和固化劑B組分(黑膠)組成,通過(guò)雙組分打膠機,按廠(chǎng)家的比例混合均勻后使用?;旌虾蟮慕Y構膠經(jīng)過(guò)一段時(shí)間固化,終獲得好的粘接性能和物理性能。但是,如果結構膠混合不均勻后使用,結構膠固化就會(huì )出現質(zhì)量問(wèn)題。

          The two-component silicone rubber structure is composed of main agent A component (glue) and curing agent B component (black glue), glue machine by two components, according to the manufacturer's recommended mixing ratio after use. The structural adhesive after mixing has been cured for a period of time and finally obtained good adhesion and physical properties. However, if the structural adhesive mixture is not uniform, the structural adhesive will be cured and quality problems will arise.


          Mix uneven structural adhesive in the following four situations and the reasons are as follows:


          It is continuous: General mixer block, mixing unit assembly error or use enough;



          The law relating to it: intermittent system fault, such as the ratio of pump seal leakage or shelf wear ratio;


          The intermittent of it: and the fault, such as filter clogging / needle clogging / trouble / pressure plate proportioning pump entrance blocked or seal failure / safety valve and high pressure ball valve failure;


          The gun and shot after a brief stop at the beginning, it is mainly a: viscosity, not ideal, need to adjust or reduce work pressure pipeline system.


          The above four cases appeared it are solved by gluing machine fault elimination.


          Make sure the glue machine can work properly. Butterfly test must be done before each turn on to ensure that the structure is well blended.


          Butterfly test methods are as follows: will play the machine to play a good mix of glue squeezed to the middle of the paper 5-10 grams, folded paper will glue flat. Open the paper, check the glue sample, and mix the glue evenly. There should be no color stripes. If the glue appears in different stripes, it shows that the mixture is not uniform. The reason should be found and the problem can be solved.

          本文的精彩內容來(lái)自雙組份打膠機詳細內容請點(diǎn)擊我們的網(wǎng)站: http://whooo.net/謝謝您的到來(lái)!

          The exciting content of this article comes from the two component dispenser, please click on our official website: http://whooo.net/, thank you for coming!

        聯(lián)系我們Contact us

        • 咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn):0531-85717458 13705446998
        • 公司地址: 山東省德州市齊河安頭鄉企巢工業(yè)園
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