時(shí)間:2019-07-29 來(lái)源:http://whooo.net/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械
Hollow glass gluing machine is divided into vertical gluing machine and horizontal gluing machine. Two-component gluing machine manufacturer focuses on the details of accessories to explain some matters we should pay attention to when purchasing horizontal hollow glass gluing machine.
1. Rubber Nozzle
Glue nozzle of hollow glass gluer
膠嘴是與玻璃直接接觸的零部件其硬度決定了膠嘴的使用年限,部分生產(chǎn)企業(yè)使用劣質(zhì)的或者一般金屬來(lái)知道膠嘴,這樣的膠嘴長(cháng)時(shí)間與玻璃接觸會(huì )在膠嘴上留下很深的印記導致膠嘴報廢。另外膠嘴部分如果涉及的不合理也會(huì )導致我們的玻璃邊緣破碎、損壞等。
Rubber nozzles are parts directly in contact with glass whose hardness determines the service life of the rubber nozzles. Some manufacturers use inferior or ordinary metals to know the rubber nozzles. Such a long contact with glass will leave a deep impression on the rubber nozzles and lead to the scrap of the rubber nozzles. In addition, if the rubber nozzle part is not reasonable, it will also lead to the breakage and damage of the edge of our glass.
2. Mixed rod
Mixing rod of hollow glass beater
我們都知道生產(chǎn)中空玻璃所使用的膠體是AB雙組份膠,他是兩種成分的膠按照比例進(jìn)行混合使用的,所以我們的設備就需要有混交棒,他的主要功能就是兩種膠體的混合。如果這個(gè)配件或者這個(gè)系統有問(wèn)題會(huì )導致比如花膠、漏膠或者膠體性能下降等問(wèn)題。
As we all know, the colloid used in the production of hollow glass is AB two-component glue, which is mixed with two-component glue in proportion, so our equipment needs a mixing rod. Its main function is the mixing of two colloids. If there is a problem with this accessory or system, it will lead to problems such as floral glue, leak glue or deterioration of colloid performance.
3 colloidal pipeline
We must ask the manufacturer about the material of the colloidal pipeline. Because of the long time contact with the colloidal pipeline and the easy aging of the pipeline, the daily maintenance of the pipeline of the equipment is also very necessary. In addition, when choosing and purchasing, we must ask whether the equipment has the function of automatic cleaning pipeline. If there is no function of cleaning pipeline, we recommend not to buy it. This is due to the performance of AB glue, if the equipment is idle for several hours, it may lead to the pipeline Dussel can not work properly.
4. Location layout of various parts and circuits of equipment
我們在選購中空玻璃打膠機一定打開(kāi)設備看下設備的內部各種線(xiàn)路已經(jīng)零部件的布局是否合理。一些小企業(yè)特別是山寨企業(yè)很有可能將各種電氣線(xiàn)胡亂塞到設備里。另外如果布局不合理不單單給我們日后維修造成困難主要的還是會(huì )帶來(lái)隱患。設備在工作時(shí)會(huì )產(chǎn)生大量的熱,如果布局不合理就會(huì )導致這些熱量無(wú)法排除造成元器件的損壞甚火災。
We must open the equipment when we buy the hollow glass gluing machine to see if the layout of the various internal lines and components of the equipment is reasonable. Some small enterprises, especially those in shanzhai, are likely to clutch various electrical wires into the equipment at random. In addition, if the layout is unreasonable, it will not only cause difficulties for our future maintenance, but also bring potential safety hazards. The equipment will produce a lot of heat when it works, if the layout is not reasonable, it will lead to these heat can not eliminate the damage of components or even fire.
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