時(shí)間:2019-09-16 來(lái)源:http://whooo.net/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械
Hollow glass gluer after a period of time is to use, it should be cleaned! The manufacturer of two-component glue beater reminds you that the cleaning of glue beater is very important to avoid the following situations:
1. Avoiding the appearance of gum
2. No glue problem
3. The problem that pressure can't keep up with
中空玻璃打膠機分為全自動(dòng)雙組份打膠機和半自動(dòng)雙組份打膠機,兩種設備的清洗方法基本是一樣的。中空玻璃打膠機在使用完后,必須進(jìn)行清洗,如果不及時(shí)清洗雙組份膠就會(huì )固化在輸膠管和打膠機中,影響以后的正常使用。
Hollow glass gluing machine is divided into automatic two-component gluing machine and semi-automatic two-component gluing machine. The cleaning methods of the two equipments are basically the same. After using the hollow glass glue beater, it must be cleaned. If the two-component glue is not cleaned in time, it will be solidified in the hose and glue beater, which will affect the normal use in the future.
The cleaning of glue beater can be divided into two ways according to the interval of the next use time. One is the daily cleaning mainly after the end of each shift. There is also a thorough cleaning, mainly equipment preparation to be vacant, in this use to the next use of a longer interval. The two cleaning methods are different.
After the completion of a shift, close the black rubber conveyor pipe and pressure switch, and continue to output white glue until there is no black color in the released glue, then close the white glue pressure switch, turn off the white glue conveyor switch, after the completion of a shift cleaning is completed.
For a long time (more than 15 days), the equipment needs to be empty: after the production task is completed, the pressure switch and the conveying switch are closed, the rubber gun is disassembled and cleaned with kerosene, the pipe for conveying glue is disassembled, and the glue in the pipe is blown clean with the high-pressure air of the air compressor.
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