時(shí)間:2019-08-19 來(lái)源:http://whooo.net/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械
As a manufacturer of two-component glue machine, Xiaobian would like to give you some knowledge and common sense about this. Let us add more knowledge. Today, Xiaobian will tell you the reason why the two-component glue machine suddenly failed.
雙組份打膠機失效的主要原因有兩個(gè):其一是由于空氣層中露點(diǎn)上升。當外界環(huán)境溫度降低到是玻璃表面的溫度低于空氣層中的氣體露點(diǎn)時(shí),空氣層內的水汽便在玻璃表面結成霜或者結成冰露。由于玻璃內表面的結露或結霜`將會(huì )嚴重影響中空玻璃的透視性。并降低中空玻璃的隔熱效果,同時(shí)長(cháng)時(shí)間的結露會(huì )使玻璃的內表面發(fā)生霉變或析堿,產(chǎn)生白斑。
There are two main reasons for the failure of the two-component glue beater: one is the rise of dew point in the air layer. When the temperature of the external environment is lower than the dew point of the gas in the air layer, the water vapor in the air layer frosts or dews on the glass surface. Because the dew or frost on the inner surface of glass will seriously affect the perspective of hollow glass. And reduce the insulating effect of hollow glass, while a long time of condensation will cause mildew or alkali evolution on the inner surface of the glass, resulting in white spots.
二是中空玻璃的炸裂`當中空玻璃在安裝、使用中由于安裝不當、環(huán)境溫度變化、日照及風(fēng)壓的作用使玻璃發(fā)生炸裂。玻璃破裂后(即使極小的裂縫存在)就會(huì )失去其密封性`在空氣內出現結露、結霜從而喪失使用功能。
The second is the cracking of hollow glass `In the installation and use of hollow glass, due to improper installation, environmental temperature changes, the role of sunshine and wind pressure caused the glass to burst. After the glass breaks (even if very small cracks exist), it will lose its sealing `dew and frost in the air, thus losing its use function.
We have investigated the failure of hollow glass after two years'use and the failure rate is 3-5%. From the above, we should draw the following conclusion: the dew point rise (dew in the hollow layer) is the major cause of failure, followed by glass bursting.
好了,今天的精彩內容就先給大家介紹到這里了!雙組份打膠機的小編會(huì )定期為大家整理發(fā)布一些行業(yè)信息,歡迎大家收藏我們的網(wǎng)站:http://whooo.net
Well, today's wonderful content will be introduced to you here first! The small edition meeting of two-component glue punch regularly organizes and publishes some industry information for you. Welcome to collect our website: http://whooo.net.
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